Sabtu, 30 April 2011

JAEGER Le COULTRE Reverso Grande Date 8 Days

Sudah lama saya tertarik dengan desain Jaeger LeCoultre Reverso. Bagi saya, Reverso adalah sebuah 'warisan' yang iconic dari era art deco dalam sebuah bentuk segiempat yang sederhana dan klasik. Beberapa tahun lalu saya pernah mendapatkan sebuah Reverso, hanya saja desainnya kecil dan agak 'aneh' saat saya pakai. Dan saya menunggu Reverso yang lebih modern dan dengan desain casing yang lebih besar. Penantian saya akhirnya berakhir minggu lalu!..

Desain Reverso pertama kali dibuat pada tahun 1931 dan desain Reverso klasik tidak mengalami banyak perubahan sampai saat ini, kecuali pada dimensi yang dibuat lebih besar. Jaeger Reverso merupakan sebuah jawaban dari sebuah keinginan para pemain Polo profesional yang ingin memiliki sebuah jam yang bisa dikenakan saat mereka bermain polo. karena itu desain casing Reverso dibuat 'rangkap' dengan casing utama 'menumpang' pada landasan dan bisa diputar. Desain unik ini akhirnya dipatenkan dan tidak bisa dipakai oleh produsen jam lain. Ciri khas Reverso yang tetap dipertahankan hingga sekarang adalah desain persegi empat dengan hiasan garis horisontal di atas dan bawah.


Jaeger memperkenalkan edisi Reverso Grande Date ini pada SIHH tahun 2003, namun secara resmi produk ini belum dijual ke publik sampai akhir 2003. Produk reverso generasi baru ini memiliki dimensi yang besar, dengan ukuran panjang lug to lug 46,5mm dan lebar 30mm. Dengan dimensi seperti ini, Reverso menjadi terlihat lebih apik jatuhnya di pergelangan saya. Tidak seperti Reverso generasi sebelumnya, Reverso Grande Date memiliki desain crown yang lebih besar dan terlihat mantap dan mudah ketika digunakan.


Desain dial tetap menggunakan desain khas Reverso yang menggunakan indeks arabic number. Indeks ini dibuat dengan cara sablon warna hitam. Finishing dial menggunakan pola guilloche berwarna silver yang seolah diberi 'frame' oleh bagian Indeks. Finishing Guilloche ini menarik karena dibuat dengan sangat rapi dan efeknya terlihat cantik ketika terkena cahaya. Pada dial juga terdapat feature Tanggal yang berukuran besar (grande date), jarum detik di posisi kanan dan penunjuk power reserve 8 days di posisi angka 10.30. Saya melihat komposisi antara tanggal, power reserve dan jarum detik cukup unik karena tidak seperti desain jam pada umumnya yang seringkali memiliki 'pakem' bahwa posisi jendela tanggal selalu di posisi angka 12, 3, 6 atau 9. Sedangkan Reverso Grande Date ini posisi tanggalnya di posisi angka 6.30 !..

Jarum jam, menit, detik dan power reserve terbuat dari blued steel dan terlihat menawan ketika dilihat di bawah cahaya.


Reverso Grande Date ini menggunakan manual winding movement 8 days Cal.875. Movement 8 days sendiri pertama kali diproduksi oleh Jaeger sejak tahun 1919 untuk jam kantong mereka dan digunakan pertama kali pada sebuah jam tangan pada tahun 1931. Movement 8 days Jaeger merupakan salah satu legenda dan memiliki performance yang tangguh. Movement ini sebenarnya memiliki power reserve lebih dari 8 hari dan karena itu Jaeger memastikan bahwa ketika disebutkan 8 days, maka power reserve movement ini benar-benar 8 hari. Cal.875 yang digunakan dalam Reverso Grande Date ini merupakan high-beat 28,800 bph dengan semua pembuatan, asembling dan dekorasi dibuat secara manual. Memiliki 25 jewels dan terdiri dari 224 bagian (parts). Penampilan movement legendaris ini bisa dilihat dari sisi lain casing. Desain movement terlihat sederhana karena hampir 80% bagian movement ditutup.

Gambar di bawah saya ambil dari internet. Terlihat detail dari movement 8 days yang di dekorasi secara manual dengan pola 'cotes de Geneve'. Agar bisa memiliki power reserve 8 hari (dan benar-benar 8 hari), teknisi jaeger mendesain movement Cal.875 ini dengan 2 spring barrels. Salah satu hal menarik dari cal.875 ini adalah penggunaan double disk untuk tanggal yang bergerak secara independen. Prinsip ini merupakan teknologi yang didesain oleh jaeger dan kemudian dipatenkan.


Setiap jam produksi Jaeger yang pernah saya lihat dan saya ketahui selalu dilengkapi dengan crocodile strap yang dibuat dengan kualitas yang sangat baik dan halus. Pola crocodile skin yang diambil memiliki pola yang menarik dan klasik. Strap crocodile reverso ini berwarna coklat tua dan dibuat tebal di ujung yang dekat dengan lugs. Sayangnya, reverso ini tidak dilengkapi dengan deployant buckle yang original, mungkin deployant asli sudah rusak.


Reverso Grande Date 8 days ini memiliki dimensi yang sangat pas secara proporsi dan estetika. Tidak terlalu kecil dan juga tidak terlalu besar ketika dipakai. Desain yang sederhana dan klasik tidak membuat jam ini menjadi penarik perhatian. Namun dibalik kesederhanaan desain, reverso ini memiliki movement yang klasik, legend dan tangguh.

Jumat, 29 April 2011


Foto Pernikahan Sheila Marcia. Berikut ini merupakan Foto Pernikahan Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano penggebuk drum grup band Cannonball. Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano melaksanakan pernikahannya di Gereja Katedral, Denpasar. Acara pemberkatan Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano berlangsung cukup sederhana karena hanya dihadiri keluar dekat. Dan inilah Foto Pernikahan Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano :

[Baca Juga : Pernikahan Yang Unik Bin Gila, Foto Pernikahan Yang Aneh, Unik dan Ekstrim dan Mitos dan Fakta dari Rambut Yang Perlu diketahui]

Foto Pernikahan Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano

Foto Pernikahan Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano

Foto Pernikahan Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano

Foto Pernikahan Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano

Walaupun sederhana namun kedua mempelai terlihat sangat bahagia, seperti yang terlihat pada Foto Pernikahan Sheila Marcia dan Kiki Mirano. Hal ini atau mungkin mereka senang karena pernikahan mereka bersamaan dengan pernikahan Pangeran Williams dan Kate di Inggris ..Semoga bahagia dan langgeng ya..


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Who care if Kate Middleton is a virgin?

Who care if Kate Middleton is a virgin? - The young and discreet Kate Middleton, the new Duchess of Cambridge and now officially Catherine has not had to demonstrate, as did the mother of her husband, her virginity. A tradition in the history of the British monarchy has gone with this wedding.

Life has changed a lot since that distant July 29, 1981, the day of the wedding between Prince Charles and Diana Spencer. Before the wedding, held in London's St Paul's Cathedral, the uncle of Lady Di issued a key issue in those days: his niece was a virgin. An example of traditional English society was in the early eighties of last century.

William and Catherine are now husband and wife
Everyone assumed that, Diana had had boyfriends before Carlos. She was timid, did not bachelorette party, as Kate has done the night before her wedding was spent "watching television" as acknowledged in his memoirs years later.

It now seems impossible to ask that to a young couple living in modern times in which sex and sexual freedom are increasingly questioned.

William and Kate are dating for eight years and have three living together, with the result that she is popularly known in Britain as' Waity Katie (Katie Patient). In fact, in college days, shared apartment.

A generation apart

An expert quoted by Associated Press features an English company "modern, where people have sex before settling down." What makes them no different from most couples. Before reaching a greater commitment, living together, meet and discover their compatibility with the person who, in theory, will spend the rest of your life.

Today, this issue does not bother people. In fact, this issue goes unnoticed beyond some reports or questions thrown on the Web , merely putting the British Royal Family in the real world.

Slides of these comments, perhaps it is better to have sex before marriage that couples broken the previous generation of British royalty. Of the four children of Queen Elizabeth, three of them have been separated (Charles, Anne and Andrew, the first two have remarried) and only stays married to his first wife, the youngest, Edward. Probably those public infidelities were one of the reasons for the drop in popularity of the royal family among his subjects.

So say the Queen has many hopes for this new partner: the Duke of Cambridge, Princess of Wales and future King of England.

Rabu, 27 April 2011


Foto Briptu Eka Frestya. Cantik! komen orang saat lihat Foto Briptu Eka Frestya ataupun ketika Briptu Eka Frestya Polwan presenter acara lalu lintas di Metro TV bersama rekannya yang bernama Brigadir Avvy Olivia. Baik Briptu Eka Frestya maupun Brigadir Avvy Olivia sama2 cantik sih, namun sepertinya banyak orang yang lebih memfavoritkan Briptu Eka Frestya he..he.. buktinya banyak sekali bertebaran Foto Briptu Eka Frestya di dunia maya termasuk video nya juga ada! Nie..Lihat aja Foto Briptu Eka Frestya berikut ini:

[lihat juga: Pohon Mangga Berrbuah Pisang, Tips Submit Sitemap Blog Agar Cepat Terindek Google dan Mengapa Cincin Kawin Ada di Jari Manis ?]

Briptu Eka Frestya

Briptu Eka Frestya

Briptu Eka Frestya

Dan kemarin malam Briptu Eka Frestya juga tampil di televisi melalui acaranya Tukul Arwana "Bukan Empat Mata"..Hmm.. Makin Top aja! Dengan munculnya Briptu Eka Frestya bersama rekannya Brigadir Avvy Olivia, kini bertambah lagi anggota Polisi yang menjadi favorit masyarakat selain Briptu Norman. Semoga dengan hadirnya Polisi ditengah masyarakat membuat Citra Kepolisian semakin baik dan humanis. Btw, Foto Briptu Eka Frestya diatas cantik ya gan!!

Prince William and Kate Middleton Wedding

Wedding day is one of the most historic day in the life of people. Naturally, if on that day the bride wants to look perfect. So is the marriage between Prince William and Kate Middleton of British Royal which to be held a few days later.

Catherine or Kate Middleton was born in Reading, Berkshire. She is the daughter of Michael and Carole Middleton who have a company Party Pieces. They family lived in a house with five rooms in the area of Berkshire, Bucklebury. She went to Downe House, Newbury and went to Marlborough College before beginning studies at the University of St Andrews in 2001.

Prince William and Kate Middleton will get married in Westminster Abbey on 29 April, which followed a banquet at Buckingham Palace by the bride and wedding reception in the evening. There will be two wedding cakes: traditional wedding cake with a variety of fruit-story created by Fiona Cairns and chocolate biscuit cake McVitie, William craze. Around 1900 guests scheduled to attend and is expected to more than 2 billion people from around the world watched this event via television or the Internet.

Kate Middleton (29) is expected to walk down the aisle with a dress of British designer Sarah Burton, creative director of the Alexander McQueen label. What a spectacular wedding today. Even occur in the United Kingdom, continental Europe, but throughout the world, has been anticipating and waiting for this historic moment.

Senin, 25 April 2011


Video Tentara Amerika Lipsync Lagu Britney Spears. Mungkin Video Tentara Amerika Lipsync Lagu Britney Spears yang berjudul Hold It Against ini ingin menyaingi Briptu Norman atau sekedar menghilangkan rasa jenuh ketika bertugas di tengah padang pasir Afganistan. Yang jelas Video Tentara Amerika Lipsync Lagu Britney Spears ini juga muncul di Youtube.

[baca dan lihat juga: Foto Aliya Rajasaya Putri Hatta Rajasa yang hari ini akan dilamar, Pepi Fernando dan Video Kucing cium Lumba-lumba]

Video Tentara Amerika Lipsync Lagu Britney Spears

Demam Lipsync kali ya.. ? Makanya Tentara Amerika juga ga mau kalah seperti yang terdapat pada Video Tentara Amerika Lipsync Lagu Britney Spears. Uniknya pada video ini yang Lipsync lebih dari satu orang termasuk diantaranya beberapa anggota wanita.


Pepi Fernando. Sosok Pepi Fernando kini jadi berita utama karena di duga sebagai otak bom buku dan bom Gereja Christ Cathedral di Serpong. Belum banyak informasi mengenai Pepi Fernando, baik Foto Pepi Fernando terkini ataupun profil Pepi Fernando secara lengkap. Walaupun demikian goceng blog mencoba untuk berbagi informasi seputar Pepi Fernando, otak perencanaan aksi teror bom buku dan bom Serpong.

[Baca dan lihat juga: Keajaiban Angka di Tahun 2011, Ramalan Jodoh dan Video Jabal Magnet Banyumas]

Pepi Fernando

Informasi yang berhasil goceng blog himpun dari berbagai Media, bahwa Pepi Fernando merupakan suami dari Deni Karmelita alias Ita, seorang pegawai negeri sipil di Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) pimpinan Komjen Pol Gories Mere, satu dari empat tokoh yang dikirimi paket bom buku. Terakhir sang istri bertugas di bagian Public Relation BNN. Lebih lanjut menurut Kabag Penum Humas Polri Kombes Pol Boy Rafli Amar, Pepi Fernando merupakan sarjana lulusan Fakultas Tarbiah Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN), sekarang Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, tahun 2001.

Pepi Fernando sendiri berasal dari Sukabumi, Jawa Barat dan berdomisili di Jalan Seruni 2, Blok C-E nomor 14, Perumahan Harapan Indah, Bekasi. Dan Pepi ditangkap polisi pada Kamis (21/4/2011) pagi, di Merduati, Banda Aceh, bersama dua tersangka teroris lainnya Joko dan F.

Ayah tiga anak ini dikenal memiliki pergaulan luas dengan kalangan pekerja media. Selain itu juga seorang sutradara film. Satu-satunya film yang pernah disutradarainya adalah film dokumenter tentang tsunami Aceh berjudul "Dalam Dekapanku". Sumber lain juga mengatakan, Pepi pernah bekerja sebagai wartawan infotaiment di sebuah media. Dia juga pernah bekerja di tiga rumah produksi (production house) yaitu PT ANZ, Avicom, dan CR. Pepi juga disebut-sebut pernah menjadi reporter di tayangan infotaiment "Otista" yang ditayangkan di SCTV. Seakan berjodoh, istrinya juga pernah menjadi wartawan tabloid infotaiment Cek n Ricek dalam kurun waktu 2003-2006.

Pepi juga sering bepergian ke Aceh. Namun dia enggan mengungkap detail pasti tujuannya ke tanah Rencong itu. Pepi hanya menyebut kepergiannya ke Aceh untuk keperluan berladang.

Dalam agama, Pepi dikenal sebgai penganut Islam fanatik. Dirinya tak segan-segan menolak bersentuhan tangan dengan perempuan yang bukan muhrimnya. Dia juga jarang memandang mata lawan bicaranya.

Belajar Rakit Bom dari Google
Menurut Polri, kemampuan merakit sendiri bom buku dan bom yang ditanamnya di pipa Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) di Serpong, dekat Gereja Christ Cathedral didapat Pepi dari buku dan internet.

Namun ternyata, Pepi sendiri tak menyangka bom yang dirakitnya secara otodidak itu berfungsi. Dia kaget kala salah satu bom yang dirakitnya sendiri, yaitu bom yang dialamatkan untuk Ulil Abshar Abdalla di kantor berita KBR68H, meledak. (lihat : Video Ledakan Bom di Utan Kayu)

Masih menurut Boy Rafli Amar, Pepi Fernando termasuk dalam kategori untuk merancang kemudian mempersiapkan. Dia belajar sendiri cara rakit bom buku untuk yang di KBR68H. Dia juga tidak menyangka akan meledak...

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Kate and William shielding her love

Kate and William shielding her love - They are young and in love. Will star in the wedding of the year, but only a few days before the voice of experience has reminded the Prince William that not all fairy tales have happy endings. British lawyers divorce experts have recommended to the Crown sign a prenuptial agreement with Kate Middleton before cutting the cake.

Nobody wants to talk about these things in the midst of preparations, but we must not forget that the royal family is an expert in failed marriages and the law, when love is just like the rest of mortals. There is no need to take a look at the background: Three of the four children of Queen Elizabeth II are divorced.

The case of Carlos is the most notorious. Although the Prince of Wales and Diana separated in 1992, it was not until 1996 when they signed the papers to legally put an end to their relationship. As told in 2004 the "Sunday Telegraph", the former financial adviser, Geoffrey Bignell, Lady Di carry off with money from his ex who gave nearly all their "savings" personal.

However, it is believed that Carlos did not learn and is wanted not want to sign any agreement before marrying his second wife Camilla, that really was the love of his life. While some say they now talk of such things is distasteful, others, like Matthew Tully Brunsdon, deFamilia law professor at the London School of Economics in London, believe it is necessary and in the future could be avoided wasting time, money and suffering.

"With the highest divorce rates of all time is prudent, at least they think might happen," matiza.Es true that William and Kate have known each other for eight long years, they have lived and have gone through a split that has done nothing to strengthen their relationship, but realistically do you have a magic wand that will ensure eternal love?

Family money
A priori, the heir would have much more to lose if their marriage failed. Beginning because you could lose the engagement ring of her mother, Princess Diana. William gave it to his girlfriend to somehow stay together the two women who have touched her life, but it would have to return if things go wrong? In economic matters would not be a former William anyone. The legacy of her grandmother, the Queen of England is estimated of around 290 million pounds, according to the list of country's richest people compiled by 'The Sunday Times.

The Middleton coffers are not negligible. No one knows for certain how much build up your successful business selling "on line" of articles of children's party, but for the wedding the bride's parents would pay 100,000 pounds (113,000 euros) to cover, inter alia, the costs luxury suites which house the night before the big day.

Although more than money, if young people have signed an agreement-a subject on which it wants to Clarence House, Kate would have been able to file a confidentiality clause not to grant interviews that once made Diana . And, for years, the British royal family is known in Britain as "firm." Anyone who works with them is to sign a contract to keep his mouth shut.

Prenuptial agreements are common in some countries, such as the United States but in Britain remain low, and until last year the courts did not accept in case of divorce. Katrin Radmacher, heir to one of the great fortunes in Germany, was responsible for historical change. When she married the Frenchman Nicholas Granatito in 1998, the couple signed a pact pledging to divorce if neither party would seek other's heritage.

The agreement was valid in Germany and France, but not in England where the couple had their residence. When they ran out of love, a lower court granted the former husband 5.8 million pounds, which was reduced by an appeals court to a million more child support. But Radmacher not give up and took the case to the Supreme Court that ended up agreeing with him.

For the occasion, the German billionaire had Fiona Shackleton, the country's most influential advocate for such cases. He has starred in the most notorious episodes, such as Paul McCartney and Heather Mills. Although his reputation for cunning and unscrupulous bloodhound began in 1992 when he defended the separation from Prince Andrew to Sarah Ferguson.

The experts were so impressed that one of the most important scholars of the time, Lord Gooldman, advised Prince Charles that the hired during his divorce from Princess Diana. Hopefully, your contact with the royal family not resume in the future.

Kate, much more than a brand
The young Middleton has become the best brand for the UK. It is a confident and sophisticated that could inject into the economy of the islands to 2,000 million pounds (more than 2,250 million euros) through tourism, fashion and even the NGOs. And, while Diana managed to become the queen of charities after her divorce from Charles, Kate has begun collaborating with them from the time of commitment.

Experts say do not be surprised if his economic legacy was more important than the Olympics. "VisitBritain" says the day of the 600,000 tourists will link more than average, which could generate up to 50 million pounds. In a matter of fashion, is exceeding even the impact of Michelle Obama. In addition, the journals are clear. After the photo of Kate and Camilla lunch together would generate 40,000 pounds in Britain alone is estimated that a snapshot of newlyweds loving attitude could reach one million pounds.

(source :


Video Konser Justin Bieber di Sentul. Alamakk..putar2 cari Video Konser Justin Bieber di Sentul, tepatnya Sentul International Convention Center (ICC), Sabtu, 23 April 2011 susah banget. Penasaran dan pengen lihat aksi panggung Justin Bieber, idolanya Anak muda. Maklum selama 3 hari goceng blog mudik. Eee..Pas dapet Video Konser Justin Bieber di Sentul via youtube, ternyata hasilnya pas2an. Ga papa dech daripada penasaran.. Nich coba liat aja sendiri Video Konser Justin Bieber di Sentul sabtu kemarin

[lihat juga seputar Justin Biber: Foto|Gambar Selena Gomez Pacar Justin Bieber dan Foto Justin Bieber Makan di Warteg]

Tayangan Video Konser Justin Bieber di Sentul diatas walaupun rada kurang jelas, tapi lumayan dech.. sekedar menghilangkan rasa penasaran. Konon katanya Justin Bieber menyanyikan sebanyak 17 lagu waktu konser di Sentul (ICC), Jakarta kemarin... Ckckckc..apa ga makin histeris tuch penonton...

Jumat, 22 April 2011

William and Kate: the royal wedding in 26 letters

William and Kate: the royal wedding in 26 letters - Millions of people will be there in the streets of London next Friday to attend the wedding of Prince William and his beloved Catherine Middleton . This marriage has been termed the dream wedding of the century the British, and also much attention in the press worldwide.

We have summarized in 26 letters.

A AS ALLIANCE: William will spend the knot with Kate, but his bride will do the same. Because the prince does not want marriage , like his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh.

B AS KISS: photographers pointing their telephoto lenses on the famous balcony of Buckingham. But nobody knows for sure if young people will share a kiss in public, like Charles and Diana 30 years ago.

C AS Carriage: noblesse oblige, the bride arrived in a Rolls Royce, will leave in a carriage when the wife became the second in the order of succession: an open car when the weather is nice, a sumptuous glazed hitch already used by Diana , if it rains.

AS OF DIANA: almost 15 years after his death, William's mother, dear to the hearts of Britons will be the ultimate reference of the day.

E AS ephemerides: wink of fate? April 29th is the day of St. Catherine of Siena ..., patron saint of Italy.

F AS FERGIE : black sheep of the family, the aunt of William is not the party. No more than Obama. There will still moult celebrities among the 1,900 guests , starting with the Beckhams. And also the postman, the butcher and the grocer of the village of Kate.

G AS CAKES: there will be two to 300 guests enjoy the banquet at Buckingham . A "fruitcake" for tradition and the chocolate cake with William doted child , to please him.

H AS HUMANITARIAN no blender or gravy boat on the wedding list, but donations to 26 charities. The queen, for her marriage, had received more than 2,500 present, including ... two pairs of socks.

I LIKE "I DO": this will be the "yes" the most anticipated of the year, delivered to some two billion viewers, hundreds of thousands of photographers and journalists. Not to mention the 600,000 tourists who rally in London.

J AS JUBILEE: for all fans who will miss the essence of royal rendezvous royal this, there will be a repeat session in June 2012, with the festivities for the 60-year reign of Elizabeth.

K AS KATE: finished diminutives. Miss Middleton is not responding in the name of Catherine, before being granted by the queen as befitting the wife of a future king. Princess, Duchess?

AS THE HONEYMOON: Kenya or Mauritius, or ...? speculation is rife on the honeymoon the couple will do before settling in a cottage in Wales. While there is no choice of sobriety through the course on one of the royal properties.

M AS WEATHER : conservative, national weather only issue an omen that five days before the big day. According to statistics, it has rained only 6 times on April 29 during the last twenty years. Several carriages were provided depending on the weather .

N AS NIGHT: it will be short for those who sleep on the journey to the front row, and some of the "happy few" guests at Westminster. Those expected from 7:15 (GMT) in the Abbey, over ... half past two before the arrival of the bride.

O AS ORCHESTRA: The Band of the Royal Air Force, where William is a pilot, will be maneuvering for the musical, with the trumpeters of the "Household Cavalry, a chamber orchestra and two choirs.

PUBS AS P: for the joy is at its height, they close later. This will allow the subjects of his Gracious Majesty to lock through a few extra pints of wine "Kiss Me Kate."

Q AS QUEEN: by marrying his grand-son with the wise Kate , the queen can hope to turn the page of a black series for the monarchy, Charles's divorce through the antics of the sultry "Fergie", Sarah Ferguson.

R AS REPUBLICANS: they try valiantly to make their voices heard and organize a block party alternative to London for all those who think that the British no longer have anything to do with royalty.

SCOTLAND YARD AS S: for the police, fearing attacks or thugs, the wedding will look like a nightmare. There will be men in civilian clothes in the crowd, snipers on rooftops and neighborhoods curly.

T AS WITNESSES: this will be Harry, the turbulent brother William , and "Pippa", the sister of Kate . Harry has promised "a few good stories" in the speech he has concocted. But, I promise it will be "selective" because the queen will be present.

U UNIFORM AS: it held that William could choose to drive Kate to the altar. The young woman judge does not suit the military "so sexy"?

V AS HOLIDAYS: the wedding will be synonymous with bridge, with a holiday special. Many will benefit from which to escape the media barrage.

WESTMINSTER W AS: When Kate and William will say "yes" in Abbey Gothic 1,000 years of royal history to behold . For centuries, the building houses coronations, weddings and funerals. In 1997, William, 15, had followed the funeral of his mother.

X AS UNKNOWN: it is of course the toilet of the bride . The suspense, carefully maintained, lasted until the end. Requires austerity, it should be more discreet than a luxury dress fairy tale of Diana.

Y AS YUK! (yuck, in English): For all those who have had enough of this marriage, the "sick bag" in the image of the couple , invented by a British designer, will be an indispensable ally for this (very) long day's festivities.

Z AS ZARA PHILLIPS: The daughter of Princess Anne will be the next to marry. But his marriage was overshadowed by the star couple she would, according to press reports, saddled with the nickname of "Ken and Barbie".
(source :

Kamis, 21 April 2011

So Anglesey, the island where live English royal marriage

So Anglesey, the island where live English royal marriage - This island of Wales come the couple after the wedding on 29 April.

With a population of 68,000 and as many sheep, the island of Anglesey, lost a piece of land on the northern tip of Wales, dreams of international fame since Prince William and Kate Middleton was elected as a love nest.

The island could only offer so far to tourists the cold wind in the Irish Sea, its 200 meters and cut costs people with the longest name in the UK: "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch."

However, Ynis Môn (the island's name in Welsh) was the famous overnight when Prince William and his bride was elected to live after their wedding on 29 April.

The prince, search and rescue pilot, is assigned to a base of the Royal Air Force (RAF) from local end of 2010, and brought with him a number of journalists and tourists.

"It's crazy," says David Robertson, owner of Ye Olde Bulls Head Inn, in the town of Beaumaris. Has long since stopped counting journalists who have passed through the hotel pub, located at the entrance of the island.

"CNN, NBC, ABC, Japanese, Australians ... We are the center of attention," confirms Jane Blakey, chairman of the Anglesey Tourism Association (ATA).

The arrival of the prince increased the number of tourists in more than 20 percent, estimates James Stevenson, head of Adventure Elements, a company specializing in water sports, you've noticed an increase of 30 percent of the number of visitors to your website .

"This has put us on the world tourism map," he stresses. "We're a real island," says Selwyn Williams delighted, local chairman of Anglesey, which expects a boost for the tourism sector.

This raises reef appetites and speculation and a real tour next take foreign tourists to places that supposedly haunts the couple. "It's a good idea," says Selwyn Williams.

Not everyone agrees. "Do not exploit people here," replies Jane Blakey. "The coming of the prince is a gift to the island. Refund is what respecting their privacy," he adds.

Prince William can not be more pleased: "They leave us alone.'s Okay," he said recently before receiving his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II at the RAF Valley. The law of silence seems, indeed, prevail in the island. "No comment" replies Adrienne Owen, manager of the White Eagle pub, when asked if the prince and Kate are among its clients.

In the course of dozens of journalists who follow in the footsteps of Prince William also include the trailer The Flaming Grill, installed in a parking lot a few steps from the base. "He came a year ago," says the proud owner, Alison Williams, in his plates of snacks and hot water containers full of sausages.

To leave one of their training at the base, the pilot Prince "took a plate of ham and eggs," he recalls, before interrupting the conversation by saying he was "tired of journalists."

Cemaes port is located in the north of Anglesey. This island of Wales is hit frequently by icy winds in the Irish Sea.

Anglesey does not have much to offer tourists, except that it is the future home of Princes William and Kate.

Selasa, 19 April 2011


Video Jabal Magnet Banyumas. Mungkin sobat belum percaya adanya Fenomena Jabal Magnet di Banyumas kalau belum melihat Video Jabal Magnet Banyumas atau merasakan sendiri Fenomena alam Jabal Magnet yang ada di Banyumas tersebut. Video Jabal Magnet Banyumas ini mengingatkan kita akan Jabal Magnet Madinah.

Jabal Magnet Banyumas

Heboh berita mengenai Jabal magnet membuat Desa Limpakuwus, Kecamatan Sumbang, Kabupaten Banyumas Jawa Tengah ramai diperbincangkan dan didatangi oleh orang dari luar desa tersebut. Berikut ini adalah Video Jabal Magnet Banyumas ...

Tampak pada Video Jabal Magnet Banyumas di atas, mobil dan motor berjalan (mundur) dengan sendirinya walaupun mesin dalam keadaan mati. Namun Fenomena yang terjadi di Banyumas tersebut berbeda dengan yang terjadi di Madina dan diyakini para ahli bahwa mobil itu bergerak sendiri yang tersjadi di Banyumas bukan karena daya tarik magnet melainkan mobil tersebut berada pada jalan menurun, bukan tanjakan. Lebih tepatnya menurut Muhammad Azis, pakar geologi dari Universitas Soedirman Purwokerto, " Ini hanya ilusi optik atau ilusi gravitasi ". Selain itu, bila di lokasi itu ada medan magnet raksasa, maka jarum pada kompas akan bergerak kacau tidak beraturan. Akan tetapi pada lokasi yang di anggap sebagai Jabal Magnet tersebut kompas nya tidak menimbulkan reaksi.

Dan ini Video Jabal Magnet Madinah yang telah me legenda

Nah itu tadi merupakan Informasi seputar Video Jabal Magnet Banyumas serta penjelasan singkat dari ahli mengenai fenomena jabal magnet Banyumas tersebut.

Game of Thrones second season

Game of Thrones second season - HBO is ready to make a leap of faith with ' A Game of Thrones "( Game of Thrones ). Not content to give green light to a titanic project regardless of expense, the chain has not waited for the results of the pilot to confirm the completion of a second season.

HBO apparently relies heavily on the success of one of the most anticipated series of the year, which is also inspired by the series of fantasy novels most acclaimed of the decade.

Although the series debuted on Sunday in the U.S., Spanish viewers will have to wait until May 9 to view it through Canal +. Something else will have to wait they have no choice but to see it open as Antena 3 was made ​​with the rights a few months ago but has yet dates. It is known that ' A Game of Thrones 'be part of the grill NITRO, in an attempt to give the final impetus to the channel.

Senin, 18 April 2011


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Lirik Lagu Dara Ariel Peterpan

Dan jangan kau bersedih
Ku tau kau lelah
Tepiskan keruh dunia
Biarkan mereka..biarkan mereka

Tenangkan hati disana
Tertidur kau lelap
Mimpi yang menenangkan
Biarkan semua..biarkan semua

Kurangi beban itu
Tetap lihat ke depan
Tak terasingkan dunia
Dua jiwa perih

Masih ada disana tempat kita berdua
Dan hati yang menyatu
Tempat kita berdua

Kurangi beban itu
Tetap lihat ke depan
Tak terasingkan dunia
Dua jiwa perih
Masih ada di sana untuk kita berdua

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"Untuk sementara masih belum ketemu.... "

Oke yang pengen Download Mp3 Lagu Dara Ariel Peterpan dapat melalui link : [Ziddu ]: KLIK DI SINI Atau [Hotfile] : KLIK DI SINI (Tunggu dan klik tulisan SKIP ADS di pojok kanan atas :)

Minggu, 17 April 2011


Mp3 I Need You Ost Nada Cinta
Mp3 I Need You Ost Nada Cinta. Asyik juga mendengar Mp3 I Need You Ost Nada Cinta by Randy Pangalila dan Mikha Tambayong. Yang suka nonton sinetron Nada Nada Cinta pasti sudah tidak asing dengan Lagu Nada Cinta ini. Nah posting kali ini goceng blog mau share Download Mp3 I Need You Ost Nada Cinta biar kelihatan sedikit romanitis.. he..he..Namun sebelum Download Mp3 I Need You Ost Nada Cinta simak dulu lirik berikut ini :

[Simak juga: Ramalan Jodoh, Tips Cara Berhenti Berlangganan Ring Back Tone dan Keajaiban Angka di Tahun 2011]

Lirik lagu I Need You Ost Nada Cinta

wooo wooo wooo

seluas langit di atas
tak sedalam cintaku ini

mengalir di dalam darahku
sedekat hembusan nafasku
cintaku untukmu ooh

biar dunia menghina
hatiku tetap cinta
cause i miss you
cause i need you

biar dunia saksinya
cinta kita berdua
cause i miss you
cause i need you

wooo wooo wooo
baby baby baby baby

cause i miss you, cause i miss you
and cause i need you, baby

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Keajaiban Angka di Tahun 2011. Percaya atau tidak dengan Keajaiban Angka di Tahun 2011 itu terserah sobat. Tapi alangkah baiknya dites atau dicoba terlebih dulu, hitung-hitungan di seputar angka 2011 ini. Karena tahun apapun yang sobat hitung, hasilnya akan tetap berjumlah 111 ataupun 11. Selain itu pula ada 4 kombinasi nomor cantik di tahun 2011... Makanya diambil judul Keajaiban Angka di Tahun 2011.


4 Kombinasi angka Menarik;
Terdapat 4 kombinasi angka yang mengandung angka "1" (Angka Cantik). Cek kalender 2011 yang sobat punya, apapun kalendernya baik itu kalender tanggalan jawa ataupun kalender biasa. Sudah ketemu?? Dan ini jawabannya:
  • 1 Januari 2011, disingkat menjadi 1-1-11
  • 11 Januari 2011, disingkat menjadi 11-1-11
  • 1 November 2011, disingkat menjadi 1-11-11
  • 11 November 2011, disingkat menjadi 1-11-11

Penjumlahan Unik;
Tahun Lahir (2 digit terakhir) + Umur Saat ini maka hasilnya 11 atau 111, Maksudnya bila sobat lahir ditahun 2000 keatas maka hasilnya 11. Yuk kita Cek...

  • Lahir di tahun 1982, umur saat ini 29 tahun. Bila di jumlahkan menjadi  : 82 + 29 =  111
  • Lahir di tahun 2005, umur saat ini 6 tahun. Bila di jumlahkan menjadi : 05 + 06 =  11

Silahkan aja coba sendiri Keajaiban Angka di Tahun 2011 .. menarik bukan


Foto Bukti Terbaru Ipad Pertama Cukup Laris. Ipad merupakan salah satu hasil majunya di bidang teknologi. Ipad Pertama hadir pada tahun 2010, nama Bill Gates dikatakan sebagai pencentus lahirnya Ipad Pertama yang kemudian dibuat oleh Apple. Launching Ipad pertama cukup laris dan hingga kini Ipad juga menjadi barang yang laris manis.

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IPAD Apple

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Betul ga sob kalau ini merupakan Foto Bukti Terbaru Ipad Pertama Cukup Laris ?

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

iPhone 4 White to arrive in Spring 2011

In April Ecuador and from next May on the horizon, Apple confirms that in this spring season fans albino models of Apple smartphone can "dress" the new white iPhone 4. Ten months is how long that lasted the "birth" of 4 white iPhone since its existence made known and the fans suffered manzáfonos albinos have had to wait. Finally since Apple has officially marked the spring 2011 release date, just as they had said in October 2010 and as recently, Phil Schiller, vice president of product marketing at Apple, was filtered through twitter. iPhone 4 White to arrive in Spring 2011

One day indefinitely this spring, the iPhone 4 White flourish "
As already announced in October, and although it has tried to pass its release, will end up in the weeks ahead will be in stores but the Cupertino company has declined to comment on what will be the first carrier to offer that day. Although, considering the history of the company, will launch first in the U.S. to skip the rest of the world then it is easy to foresee that both AT & T and Verizon offer it first.

Ten months of delays, cancellations alleged rumors and up
It was back in June 2010 when we saw for the first time, a unit of 4 white iPhone in the hands of Steve Jobs himself, which made us dream of a joint launch of both versions, as has happened with the iPad 2.

A bigger challenge than expected
However, almost a year later, Apple has admitted that "the manufacture of 4 white iPhone was a bigger challenge than expected." Twice, first in February and then along the iPad launch in March 2, has delayed the launch of the phone with the company's subsequent apology for their suffering users.

First the problems inherited from his brother in black, especially the so-called "antennagate" then the various incidents in the manufacture of white case and the problems handling the huge market demand, both smartphones, with CDMA model included , as tablets, which Apple sold only in the last quarter of 2010 friolerade 16.2 million iPhones, 86% more than in the previous year have been the cause of delays.

A delay, perhaps on purpose
However, many suggest that the delay in the next generation with the iPhone in May, already has gone to September 2011, have to wait a few weeks to match Apple's iPhone out of 4 white in summer and demand and maintain your Cupertino with an attractive model. Recently, Apple confirmed that its traditional summer conference there would be no announcement regarding the company's hardware, focusing only on updates to their software platforms, IOS and MacOS, so movement is not unreasonable.

And you, you would buy the new iPhone 4 white even though it may be exceeded only in about four months for a new model? Is it worth sacrificing performance by design? iPhone 4  White Apple Officially Announces That Spring Arrives


Foto | Ciri Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon. Seperti pada postingan sebelumnya [baca: Bom Meledak di Polres Cirebon] bahwa pelaku bom bunuh diri langsung tewas terkena bom yang dibawanya. Dan kini Foto | Ciri Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon tersebut sudah disebarluaskan oleh pihak Kepolisian guna penelusuran lebih lanjut. Dan inilah Foto | Ciri Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon

Foto Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon

Foto | Ciri Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon

Foto | Ciri Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon

Foto | Ciri Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon

Sedangkan Ciri ciri Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon adalah :
Pelaku bom Bunuh diri tersebut diperkirakan berusia 25-35 tahun dengan ciri-ciri berasal dari ras mongoloid, golongan darah O, tinggi badan 181 sentimeter, berat badan 70 kilogram, ukuran sepatu 43, dan memiliki kulit kuning langsat.

Ternyata pelaku bom bunuh dirinya dilihat dari Foto | Ciri Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Cirebon masih muda dan Saat ini, jenazah pelaku berada di RS Polri Kramatjati, Jakarta Timur.

Goodbye Google Videos

Goodbye Google Videos. The company owns the largest internet search engine announced that it will remove videos from your device. Google has to acknowledge that its online service Google Video will cease to exist as we know it today.

Users with content on this service have until May 13 to retrieve their videos, because from that day can not be replayed and will be deleted.

Thus, the Internet leader wants to turn Google Video into a search tool for this type of content on the Internet, leaving the possibility of storage services such as Google-owned YouTube also.

After the purchase in 2006 of Youtube, now the streaming video platform internet largest with about 2,000 million videos viewed daily, so Google Video , as we know it was a reality that sooner or later had to come . After a first movement of Google in 2009 which ended the possibility to upload videos, now the content on this platform will be available and may not be replayed.

Almost coinciding with this announcement, I recently met the opening of the platform Live YouTube , which Google plans to give a new impetus to its popular video streaming service.


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Jumat, 15 April 2011


Spesifikasi | Harga Blackberry Aha Curve 8530. Berikut ini akan goceng blog share Spesifikasi Blackberry Aha Curve 8530 yang merupakan Blackberry terbaru dari Bakrie Connectivity. Rencananya Blackberry Curve 8530 tersebut akan diluncurkan besok (red. 16/4/2011) di Jakarta. Kira2 berapa Harga Blackberry Aha Curve 8530 ya..?

Spesifikasi | Harga Blackberry Aha Curve 8530

Sepintas dilihat dari bentuknya, sepertinya Spesifikasi BlackBerry Curve 8530 sama persis dengan BlackBerry Curve 8520 atau Gemini. Karena keduanya memiliki panjang 10,9 cm, lebar 6 cm, tebal 1,3 cm, dan berat 106 gram. Material dan bentuk keypad Qwerty-nya pun tak ada yang berbeda. Hanya saja perbedaan terletak pada jaringannya, Gemini beroperasi di jaringan GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 sedangkan Curve 8530 berjalan di jaringan CDMA 800 / 1900.

Berikut Spesifikasi BlackBerry Curve Aha 8530:
  • Dimensi dan berat:10,9 x 6 x 1,3 cm / 106 gram
  • Layar: TFT, 65.000 warna
  • Ukuran layar:2,4 inci, 320 x 240 piksel
  • QWERTY keyboard
  • Touch-sensitive optical trackpad
  • Memori: 256MB (ROM), microSD up to 32GB
  • Konektivitas :3G Rev. 0 (up to 153,2 Kbps),Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g,Bluetooth v2.1,microUSB v2.1
  • Kamera : 2 MP, 1600 x 1200 piksel
  • Video : Ada
  • OS : BlackBerry OS 5.0
  • CPU :528 MHz processor
  • Radio :Tidak ada
  • Browser:HTML
  • GPS: Ada, A-GPS support
  • Baterai :Li-ion 1150 mAh, Hingga 252 jam (standby),Hingga 4 jam 30 menit (talktime)
Sedangkan Harga Blackberry Aha Curve 8530 akan di banderol dengan harga Rp1,9 juta (belum termasuk PPn) untuk 500 pelanggan Esia pertama. Namun untuk Harga normalnya masih belum diketahui.

Smoga informasi mengenai Spesifikasi | Harga Blackberry Aha Curve 8530 diatas dapat membantu bagi mereka yang haus akan barang baru (gadget/handphone/blackberry.. :)


Bom Meledak di Mesjid Polres Cirebon
Bom Meledak di Mesjid Polres Cirebon. Heboh, Bom Meledak di Mesjid Polres Cirebon bahkan Kapolres Cirebon turut menjadi korban. Diduga bom yang meledak di Mesjid Polres Cirebon merupakan bom bunuh diri. Ledakan terjadi sekitar pukul 12.15 dan terdengar hingga radius 2 kilometer. Akibat Bom Meledak di Mesjid Polres Cirebon tersebut puluhan orang terluka, dan seseorang yang diduga pelaku dikabarkan tewas. Hingga kini goceng blog belum mendapatkan Foto | Video bom yang meledak di Mesjid Polres Cirebon

[lihat juga: Penerimaan Perwira Polri Sumber Sarjana 2011Jadwal MotoGP 2011 Terbaru|Lengkap dan Download Mp3 Lagu Cinta Farhat by Briptu Norman Kamaru]

Sementara itu di RS Pelabuhan Cirebon terdapat 30 korban bom yang semuanya anggota polisi. Salah satu korban Kompol Suhadi, Kepala Bagian Administrasi Polres Cirebon Kota mengalami luka cukup serius hampir diseluruh badan, dimana tubuhnya dipenuhi dengan puluhan paku serpihan dari ledakan itu. Saat ini Suhadi sedang dirawat di ICU RS Pelabuhan Cirebon.

Dari Informasi yang beredar sang pelaku Pelaku memakai baju hitam dan berdiri di shaf kedua saat shalat di masjid Polres Cirebon tersebut. Dan peristiwa ledakan berlangsung ketika dilakukan shalat Jumat di masjid Polres Cirebon Kota. Akibatnya, jamaah yang kebanyakan merupakan anggota polisi menjadi korban dalam ledakan itu.

Demikian informasi sementara mengenai Bom Meledak di Mesjid Polres Cirebon yang dapat disampaikan goceng blog.

Kamis, 14 April 2011


Penerimaan Perwira Polri Sumber Sarjana 2011. Sekedar Informasi saja bahwa ada pergantian nama, kalau dulu Penerimaan Perwira Polri Sumber Sarjana (PPSS) kini telah berubah menjadi Sekolah Inspektur Polisi Sumber Sarjana (SIPSS). Nah bagi yang berminat untuk menjadi Perwira Polisi silahkan langsung menuju , untuk melihat Persyaratan Penerimaan Perwira Polri Sumber Sarjana 2011 atau Pendaftaran Sekolah Inspektur Polisi Sumber Sarjana (SIPSS) atau bisa langsung KLIK DI SINI(* tunggu dan klik SKIP pada kanan Atas)

Penerimaan Perwira Polri

Cara Pendaftaran atau Registrasi secar Online :
  1. Membuka website setelah website terbuka peserta memilih menu registrasi. atau bisa langsung KLIK DI SINI (* tunggu dan klik SKIP pada kanan Atas)
  2. Selanjutnya klik pilihan untuk "Penerimaan SIPSS" setelah terbuka isikan form registrasi secara lengkap dan benar (tidak dipalsu/sesuai dengan dokumen yang dimiliki peserta.
  3. Setelah mengisi data, peserta agar memasukkan kode verifikasi sesuai gambar yang muncul pada kolom registrasi 
  4. Selanjutnya memasukkan password sesuai pilihan peserta (minimal 4 huruf/karakter) selanjutnya klik tombol DAFTAR
  5. Maka akan muncul pesan informasi, selamat anda sudah mengisi form registrasi dengan benar, nomor registrasi ini harap disimpan dengan baik dan selanjutnya untuk penukaran nomor registrasi menjadi nomor ujian paling lambat ... (sesuai dengan yang tercantum pada form registrasi). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut harap melihat pengumuman di masing-masing Polda/Polres. Jika hilang dapat menghubungi Polda masing-masing.
  6. 6. Berdasarkan hasil registasi diatas peserta datang ke Polda atau Polres/Pabanrim sesuai form registrasi dengan membawa persyaratan lengkap dan menunjukkan nomor registrasi kepada panitia daerah.
Apabila jaringan internet dan website mengalami gangguan pada saat proses registrasi online, peserta dapat langsung melakukan pendaftaran ke Polda/Polres tanpa melalui proses registrasi online melalui website.

Jadwal Pelaksanaan :
11 - 25 April 2011 : Pendaftaran
11 - 29 April 2011 : Rikmin Awal
30 April 2011 : Pengumuman Rikmin Awal
2 - 5 Mei 2011 : Rikkes 1
6 Mei 2011 : Pengumuman Rikkes 1
9 Mei 2011 : Rik Psi
9 Mei 2011 : Pengumuman Rik Psi
11 - 13 Mei 2011 : Rikkes 2
14 Mei 2011 : Pengumuman Rikkes 2
28 Mei 2011 : Pengumuman Rikminhir
30 Mei 2011 : Sidang Penetapan Kelulusan (Panda)
Lebih detil KLIK DI SINI (* tunggu dan klik SKIP pada kanan Atas)

Mungkin hanya ini yang bisa Goceng Blog sampaikan, kalau ada perkembangan mengenai Penerimaan Perwira Polri Sumber Sarjana 2011 atau Pendaftaran Sekolah Inspektur Polisi Sumber Sarjana (SIPSS) pasti nanti akan di Posting...

Rabu, 13 April 2011


Spesifikasi | Harga Nokia E6. Nokia E6 merupakan salah satu smartphone terbaru Nokia yang berbasis Symbian^3 Anna terbaru. Nokia E6 dilengkapi dengan QWERTY keyboard dan layar sentuh berukuran 2.46 inci dengan resolusi VGA. Spesifikasi Nokia E6 lainnya yang menjadi andalan adalah kamera fixed focus 8 megapiksel dengan dual LED flash dan kemampuam merekam video HD 720p. Tambahannya, Nokia E6 memiliki memori internal 8GB dan dukungan slot microSD up to 32GB. Rencananya, harga Nokia E6 ini USD 490. Kira2 berapa ya kalau dirupiahkan ?

[Yang baru gan: Download Mp3 Lagu Cinta Farhat by Briptu Norman, Spesifikasi Harga Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc atooo lihat Video Bayi Kembar Ngobrol]

Spesifikasi | Harga Nokia E6

Biar lebih mantep, berikut ini bisa sobat lihat Spesifikasi Nokia E6 :

* WCDMA 850/900/1700/1900/2100 and GSM/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
* Symbian Anna OS
* Dimensions 115.5 x 59 x 10.5 mm (L x W x H)
* Weight 133 g
* Display 2.46” TFT LCD, (640 x 480 pixels) 16M colors.
* Battery 1500mAh BP-4L
* M8GB mass memory
* 32GB micro SD card, RAM256MB ROM 1024MB
* Video recording Flash video
* FM radio, music player
* DRM support WM DRM, OMA DRM 2.0
* Camera: 8 MP full focus dual led flash
* Video capture: HD 720p @ 25 fps
* Nokia High Efficiency Charger AC-15
* Nokia Stereo Headset WH-207
* WLAN IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
* BT3.0 support for stereo headsets
* GPS, A-GPS, WLAN and Cell-ID
* Micro-USB 2.0 high speed for file transfers and charging
* USB On-the-Go
* Nokia AV connector 3.5 mm for audio input/output and TV out
* HSDPA Cat9, maximum speed up to 10.2 Mbps, HSUPA Cat5 2.0 Mbp

Sudah baca Spesifikasi | Harga Nokia E6 nya? tertarik..? hehehe.. goceng blog juga tertarik :)


Mp3 Lagu Cinta Farhat. Yang mau Download Mp3 Lagu Cinta Farhat Briptu Norman Kamaru kini bisa download melalui goceng blog lho. Mp3 Lagu Cinta Farhat ini cepat beredar, padahal baru kemarin posting Video Terbaru Briptu Norman yang berjudul Cinta Farhat.. Briptu Norman bener2 sudah jadi artis. Namun sebelum Download Mp3 Lagu Cinta Farhat alangkah lebih baik simpan dulu Lirik nya, biar bisa langsung dinyanyikan..

Mp3 Lagu Cinta Farhat - Briptu Norman Kamaru

Lirik Lagu Cinta Farhat by Briptu Norman Kamaru

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Ajarin bagaimana memulai hubungan ini

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Kau dan aku sama-sama ada yang memiliki

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Antara kau dan aku
Cinta ini tak melepas
Cinta yang lainnya

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Cinta yang pernah ada
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Atau .....
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Selasa, 12 April 2011


Spesifikasi Harga Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc. Akhirnya Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc hadir di Indonesia, ponsel pintar berbasis Android 2.3 alias Gingerbread pertama dari keluarga Xperia diluncurkan pada tahun ini. Sepintas desain Sony Ericsson Xperia ini mirip Xperia X10. Akan tetapi kalau dilihat secara detail, Spesifikasi Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc ini sangat berbeda. Pada Xperia Arc, memiliki desain yang lebih ringkas dan ringan, hanya setebal 0,8 cm dan berat 117 gram, dibandingkan X10 dengan ketebalan 1,3 cm dan berat 135 gram.

[Baca juga: Kode Rahasia Yang Ada Di Handphone (HP), Kode Perintah Rahasia Yang Ada di BlackBerry, Pesta Pernikahan Anjing Termahal (Foto)]

Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc

Dengan platform Android versi 2.3 (Gingerbread), tentu saja pengalaman yang ditawarkan Xperia Arc juga jauh lebih baik. Visualnya juga lebih tajam dan detail dengan dukungan layar LED-backlit LCD capacitive 16 juta warna, dibandingkan layar X10 cukup layar sentuh TFT capacitive 65 ribu warna. Untuk soal resolusi, keduanya seimbang, yakni 480 x 854 piksel.

Pada dasarnya Xperia Arc menggabungkan teknologi paling mutakhir dari Sony dengan desain yang lebih menghibur dan memukau konsumen dan semua menggunakan keluaran terbaru Android, seperti ya di ungkapkan Head of Marketing Sony Ericsson Indonesia, Djunadi Satrio.

Diciptakan dari bahan premium dan dengan lengkungan bodi yang aerodinamis, smartphone anyar ini dirancang lebih ramping dan tangguh. Reality Display dengan Mobile BRAVIA® Engine mengantarkan visual yang lebih jernih dari seri-seri sebelumnya.

Spesifikasi Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc lainnya yang perlu diperhitungkan adalah, kamera 8.1 megapixel lengkap dengan sensor ponsel Exmor R™ berikut lensa f/2.4 dari Sony diklaim mampu menangkap gambar dan video HD berkualitas tinggi dalam pencahayaan rendah. Semua gambar dan video dapat ditampilkan secara HD di TV Anda via built in HDMI-connector.

Secara lengkap berikut ini spesifikasi Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc:

Dimensi dan berat 12,5 x 6,3 x 0,8 cm
117 gram
Layar LED-backlit LCD, capacitive touchscreen, 16 juta warna
Ukuran layar 4,2 inci, 480 x 854 piksel
- Scratch-resistant surface
- Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate
- Multi-touch input method
- Sony Mobile BRAVIA Engine
- Proximity sensor for auto turn-off
- Timescape UI
Memori 512MB (RAM)
microSD up to 32GB
Konektivitas HSDPA 7,2 Mbps; HSUPA 5,76 Mbps
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, DLNA
Bluetooth v2.1 A2DP
microUSB v2.0
Kamera 8 MP, 3264 x 2248 piksel, autofocus, flash LED
Video Ada, 720p @ 30fps
OS Android OS 2.3 (Gingerbread)
CPU Qualcomm MSM8255 Snapdragon 1GHz processor; Adreno 205 GPU
Radio Stereo FM dengan RDS
Browser HTML
GPS Ada, A-GPS support
Fitur Java (melalui aplikasi pihak ketiga)
- Digital compass
- HDMI port
- Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic
- MP4/H.263/H.264/WMV player
- MP3/eAAC+/WMA/WAV player
- TrackID music recognition
- NeoReader barcode scanner
- Google Search, Maps, Gmail,
YouTube, Calendar, Google Talk
- Facebook and Twitter integration
- Document viewer
- Adobe Flash 10.1
- Voice memo/dial/commands
- Predictive text input
Baterai Li-ion 1500 mAh
Hingga 400 jam (standby)
Hingga 7 jam (waktu bicara)
Harga - (Indonesia)

Semoga Spesifikasi Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc di atas dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan untuk membeli handphone Sony Ericsson, walaupun hingga kini Harga Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc masih belum diketahui.